![]() House Bill 355, was filed on Tuesday, October 19, 2021, by Representative Dr. James Bush III, (D-Miami Dade), a retired teacher who was a state representative from 1992-2000, 2008 and more recently 2018 to the present. This is the only bill he has filed so far. The bill seeks to revise the distribution of annual use fees from the sale of ‘Live the Dream’ license plates and reduces distribution to Sickle Cell organizations from 60% to 40%, and provides for the distribution of 35% to The Dream Foundation, based in Tallahassee, Florida and led by Michael Dobson, a former lobbyist, for "programs and services relating to the ‘Dream Reentering Citizens Fund’, as follows: 10% shall be used for administrative costs associated with the operation of the Dream Foundation, Inc., and for marketing and promoting the license plate. 10% shall be used for programs and services provided directly by the Dream Foundation, Inc., which assist inmates released from the Department of Corrections in successfully reentering the community. 15% shall be distributed as grants to administer and market programs and services throughout this state which assist inmates released from the Department of Corrections in successfully reentering the community." The existing statutory language that was changed in 2020 providing for distribution to the Miami-based Chapman Partnership, Inc for programs for relief of poverty, hunger and homelessness is replaced with proposed language that states that at least 20% shall be distributed as scholarships to high school seniors in this state, at least one of whose parents or legal guardians is incarcerated, for the purpose of attending a state university, a Florida College System institution, a career center operated by a school district under s. 1001.44, or a charter technical career. Scholarships shall be awarded through a competitive application process overseen by a scholarship program committee composed of one representative from a PACE Center for Girls, one representative from Children of Inmates, Inc., one representative from Living Stones International, Inc., and one representative from the executive team or board of the Dream Foundation, Inc. Fiscal oversight of the scholarship program shall be performed by a certified public accounting firm. The existing provision of “up to 5% may be distributed by the department on behalf of the Dream Foundation, Inc., to The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, Inc., as a royalty for the use of the image of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on the license plate," remains intact.
The bill that created the America the Beautiful license plate, provides that the annual use fees will be distributed to the America the Beautiful Fund to be used as follows: • 10% to offset administrative, marketing, and promotion costs. • 90% for projects and programs teaching character, leadership, and service to Florida youth; the provision of support services and assistance to the military community; outdoor education advancing self-sufficiency; wildlife conservation; the maintenance of historic or culturally important sites, buildings, structures, or objects; and the development and modification of playgrounds, recreational areas, or other outdoor amenities, including disability access. The America the Beautiful Fund is the fictitious name of Live Laugh Love Give, Inc. Based in Tampa, headed by Janet, Christopher, Michael and Spenser Boire, all located at 13791 N.Nebraska Avenue, Tampa, FL 33613, which is also the hme of the Support our Troops and In God We Trust plates headed by Martin Boire. Florida Family Policy council are promoting the giveaway of the 3,000 presale vouchers because it "funds groups friendly to us that support youth leadership, character-building, etc."
Florida Family Policy Council (FFPC) is one of 38 state-based policy councils around the country associated with Focus on the Family, Alliance Defending Freedom and Family Research Council. Many of these councils are the leading pro-life, pro-family organizations in their respective states. Their president and general counsel is John Stemberger. A new design for the Florida Gulf Coast University specialty license plate is now available for purchase.
As of September 1, 2021, there were 1,673 valid registrations of the Florida Gulf Coast University specialty license plate. The Florida Gulf Coast University specialty license plate was enacted by the Florida Legislature in 1996. This is the first redesign of the plate. The Green & Blue tag doesn’t only signal your support for the university — it also helps ensure life-changing opportunities for generations of Eagles by funding scholarships. According to FGCU, FGCU is the only school in the Florida State University System where 100% of the proceeds of plate sales go to scholarships. Purchasing for the first time or switching your existing tag with ours? The specialty plate can be purchased any time of year regardless of your tag renewal month. Order here. On October 1, 2021, seven more specialty plates were added to the Presale Voucher program, each having to sell 3,000 presale vouchers within 2 years. So far, as we approach the one year point for the initial 33 presale voucher license plates, 3 have successfully completed the 3,000 minimum sales and are now on sale: Blue Angels, Coastal Conservation (Redfish Tag) and Walt Disney World. The three approved plates accounted for more than half (17,761) of the 31,053 presale vouchers sold through September 13, 2021. As of 9/13/21, a total of 31,053 vouchers have been sold, $155,265.00 going to the state as a specialty license processing fee and $93,159.00 for a 'service charge and branch fee', with $776,325.00 being held by the state to cover the initial state fees to start the plate production process with any balance going to the successful organizations, based on their individual sales. PROTECT MARINE WILDLIFE The annual use fees of $25 shall be distributed to Protect Wild Dolphins Alliance, Inc., to fund its conservation, research, and educational programs that focus on the conservation of Florida’s threatened and protected marine wildlife species which will include the rescue and rehabilitations of dolphins, whales, manatees, sea birds and sea turtles. Only up to 10% of the proceeds may be used for administration, promotion, and marketing of the license plate. ![]() Protect Wild Dolphins Alliance, Inc., d/b/a Protect Wild Dolphins is a registered 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization operates exclusively for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes, including but not limited to the support and conduct of research, scientific and educational activities for the protection and preservation of marine mammals, including, but not limited to, release to the wild programs, the rescue, rehabilitation, release and/or retirement of marine mammals as well as the establishment and operation of a safe haven for unwanted and/or surplus dolphins and other marine mammals. Protect Wild Dolphins Alliance rescues and rehabilitates stranded marine mammals in order to advance science and education in marine wildlife health and conservation and believes in the humane treatment of all sick and injured marine animals. Protect Wild Dolphins Alliance seeks to advance the One Ocean One Health concept in order to protect our ocean heritage ![]() The license plate is designed by Istvan (Steve) Diossy, a self-taught artist, based in Vero Beach, Florida who at the age of 16 won first place and presidential recognition for a sculpture depicting Michelangelo’s The Florentine Pietà. Throughout the years, Steve continued to progress as an artist, developing a unique style enhanced by his fine art background and an extensive knowledge of caricature and graphic design. Steve’s most notable work to date is the “Protect Wild Dolphins” Florida license plate. The success of this plate has raised millions of dollars for marine conservation. HONOR FLIGHT ![]() The annual use fees from the sale of the Honor Flight plate shall be distributed equally among the Honor Flight Network hubs in this state, each of which is a nonprofit corporation under s. 407 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, to be used as follows: 1. Up to 10% of the fees may be used for promotion and marketing of the license plate. 2. The remaining fees shall be used to further the Honor Flight Network’s mission of transporting military veterans to Washington, D.C., in order to visit the memorials dedicated to honoring those who have served and sacrificed for the United States. FLORIDA STATE PARKS The annual use fees from the sale of the plate will go to the Florida State Parks Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit Florida corporation, the mission of which is to preserve, protect, sustain, and grow Florida state parks. Up to 10 percent of the fees may be used for marketing of the plate and costs directly associated with administration of the foundation. The foundation, founded in 1993 as Friends of Florida State Parks was renamed in 2018. Their mission is to support and help sustain the Florida Park Service, its 175 award-winning parks and trails, local friends groups and more than 20,000 park volunteers. It does this through advocacy and programs that preserve and protect state parks, educate visitors about the value of state parks, and encourage community engagement and active use. The volunteer board of directors represents private and public sectors as well as local and statewide interests. The Florida State Parks Foundation is leading the way for selecting the art for the new specialty license tag and is currently deciding on two different versions: BISCAYNE BAY The annual use fees from the sale of the plate shall be distributed to The Miami Foundation, a Florida nonprofit corporation, to be used as follows: 1. Up to 10% of the fees may be used for promotion and marketing of the license plate and for direct reimbursement for administrative costs, startup costs, and costs incurred in the development and approval process of the license plate. All vendors associated with administrative costs shall be selected by competitive bid. 2. The remaining fees shall be used to raise awareness and support the mission and efforts of conserving Biscayne Bay. The Miami Foundation Board of Trustees must approve and is accountable for all such expenditures. The Miami Foundation builds the philanthropic, civic, and leadership backbone for Greater Miami. Since 1967, the Foundation has invested $485 million to strengthen our community with partnerships and contributions from more than 1000 fundholders and 35,000 donors. The Miami Foundation, which currently manages over $350 million in assets, mobilizes donors, nonprofits, leaders, and locals to set a bold vision for our community's future and to invest in a stronger, more equitable, more resilient Greater Miami. DISEASE PREVENTION & EARLY DETECTION The license plate annual use fees shall be distributed to The Women’s Breast & Heart Initiative, Florida Affiliate, Inc., a Florida nonprofit corporation, which may use up to 10% of the proceeds to promote and market the plate. The remainder of the proceeds shall be used by The Women’s Breast & Heart Initiative, Florida Affiliate, Inc., to provide increased education and awareness relating to early detection, prevention, and screening of breast and heart issues. 30A.COM/SCENIC WALTON The annual use fees from the sale of the plate shall be distributed to Scenic Walton, Inc., a nonprofit Florida corporation under s. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, to be used to preserve and enhance the beauty and safety of Walton County. Up to 10% of the fees may be used for marketing of the plate and costs directly associated with administration of Scenic Walton, Inc. “Every person who buys an official State of Florida 30A license plate for their vehicles will help keep Walton County beautiful,” said Mike Ragsdale, Founder of The 30A Company. “This is a really extraordinary opportunity for our community.” SUPPORT HEALTHCARE HEROES ![]() The annual use fees from the sale of the plate shall be distributed annually into the Emergency Medical Services Trust Fund within the Department of Health to provide financial support for prehospital emergency medical services pursuant to s. 401.113. FCEP worked with Sen. Gayle Harrell to promote the legislative language that was included in a larger transportation bill. On Thursday, April 29, the bill authorizing seven new specialty license plates was passed and later signed by Gov. DeSantis. |
August 2024