![]() According to the latest sales statistics released by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, total specialty license plate sales dropped 7.5% compared to April, 2015, for a total decline of $191,541.75. Biennial fees dropped from $391,081.00 to $301,147.00. However, new plate sales increased from 15,388 to 15,641. Tampa Bay Bucs increased April net revenue by 13.5% to $47,850 from $42,175, bolstered by the new design. Endless Summer increased April net revenue by 13% to $99,125.00, from $87,750 in 2015. University of Florida, while still maintaining the top spot for annual sales of all specialty license plates, suffered a 10% decline in sales for April, 2016, compared to April, 2015. FSU April sales declined 8%, while U of Miami declined 3%. HBOI's Protect Wild Dolphins tag declined nearly 15% compared to April, 2015, and has now declined 28% compared to sales in April, 2010, from $105,860 to $76,180.00, a loss of $29, 680.00 for the month of April. There are 127 specialty license plates available for purchase.
![]() A $25.00 discount on vehicle registration fees is now available online at MyPlateFL.com for the Stop Heart Disease specialty license plate. Click here for details.Revenue goes to the Florida Heart Research Foundation, Inc. for cardiovascular disease research, education, and prevention.The Florida Heart Research Foundation, Inc., awards funds in cardiovascular disease research, education, and prevention within the state of Florida for any one or more of the following: 1. Quality research to pursue top quality cardiovascular research that will further understanding of heart disease and its cause, treatment, cure, and prevention. Accepted projects must conform to the highest standards of scientific research, be efficiently organized, and report updates continually to ensure research credibility and excellence. 2. Heart disease prevention programs to provide cardiovascular screenings to state residents. 3. Educational programs to offer educational programs, literature, seminars, or speakers for both clinicians and lay people so that the latest risk factors, technologies, treatments, methodologies, protocols, and preventive measures are well known and used in the state. ![]() The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles has released six new military specialty license plates. Plates require proof of military service - Fees vary depending on vehicle weight The specialty plates — the Combat Action Ribbon, Distinguished Flying Cross, Woman Veteran, Air Force Combat Action Medal, Navy Submariner and World War II Veteran — all have unique requirements that must be met, such as proof of service in the armed forces, to obtain them. The DHSMV says forms and documentation are required for each plate, and fees for the plate are assessed according to the weight of the vehicle. Some of the new specialty plates can also be personalized. To order one, customers should visit a location nearest them. The World War II Veteran plate is only available in Tallahassee, but local DHSMV and tax collector’s offices can order this license plate on behalf of the customer. DHSMV now offers 36 military license plates. The designs can be viewed on the department’s website at www.flhsmv.gov/specialtytags/miltags along with links to forms, requirements and a fee schedule. DHSMV says in 2015, there were 90,456 military specialty license plates issued statewide. Donald Trump is the last Republican candidate standing and will now go up against Hilary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.
August 2024